Have you ever had a desire in your heart but didn’t have the courage to fulfil it? Have you ever had a dream but didn’t know how to reach it?
“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”
Jeremiah 29:11 NLT
When I was a child and even a teenager, I don’t remember taking lots of chances. Maybe it is my age that causes me to forget or maybe it is that I really didn’t do many things outside my comfort zone.
However, as I aged, desires in my heart took some courage and encouragement to achieve. The first major decision that I had to make as an adult was going back to college. You see, even though the hubs and I met in college, neither one of us finished our degree before getting married and having children. We had been married about 3 years, already had 2 kids and the hubs was working day and night on the farm trying to make ends meet. One year, however, I watched as my hubby stood out in the corn field after a night of a destructive hail storm that wiped out our crops. I watched him hang his head in that field and I could just imagine him thinking, “How is this going to work? How will I ever provide for my family?” It was then that God gave me a desire to go to work.
I knew it was time for me to go back to work and help provide for us. I applied for several jobs in town and after a couple of job offers that weren’t going to pay very much at all, I decided that maybe it was time to go back to college and finish my degree. I had encouragement along the way from a wise, older woman and my parents were my biggest supporters when they told me they would pay for my school. I had never been so scared to walk back onto a college campus than I was the first day that I went back to school.

Fast forward about 10 years later. I had moved from being a teacher to being an assistant principal. I loved my job in administration and God was really giving me a desire to lead others. After a conversation with a principal who encouraged me to get my master’s degree, I went back to college to earn my master’s degree in educational administration. Once again, I was scared to death and second guessed myself on several occasions.
The desires that God placed in my heart led me to a 30 year career in education that I will forever be grateful for. I absolutely loved my years as a teacher and a principal and I’m so grateful for the chances I took to reach those goals.
Do you have a desire to make a change but just don’t see a way to make it happen? Have you prayed about it? Do you have a friend in your life who can speak encouragement into you? Have you sought scripture to lead you?
The answer to those questions can help you when making a decision. Seek good council and spend time with God. He wants to give you the desires of your heart when you are in right standing with Him:
“Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desire.”
Psalm 37:4
A few years ago, I felt like it was time to leave a church that we had attended for basically our entire marriage. I had a strong desire in my heart to look for a different church, but my hubs didn’t have that same desire. One Sunday, I decided (with the urging of the Holy Spirit) to attend a different church. I had to muster up a lot of courage to walk into church that day. However, from the second I walked in, I knew I had found my new home. It took awhile for the Lord to work on the hubs, but eventually he joined me in our new church as well.
About two years ago, I had a desire to start a blog. I wanted to use the blog to bring wisdom to other women. I wanted to glorify God in the blog. I wanted God to use my words to minister to those like me. God worked out all the details (more to come on that in a later post) and today, I am able to spend much more time on my blog and have even taken over the blog for our women’s ministry at our church.
Maybe you have a desire to start a new career or a desire to stop a career and stay home with your children. Maybe God has given you a desire to step into a new group of friends. Maybe God wants you to step out in faith and attend a new life group or a new church.
God will make a way! If you are truly walking in His path, He will lead the way.
Today, I’m still taking chances. I have recently joined a new tribe of women who are like-minded bloggers. Our leader has challenged us to put ourselves out there through a video and this is out of my comfort zone. However, there is no doubt that God has led me to this group where I can learn and grow my blog so that it can reach more people for His glory! So I will do hard things because this is the direction God is leading me.
“Taking chances is scary, but there is something that should scare you far more than anything: missing out on something truly wonderful because you were scared.” (Katherine Matheson)
Take a chance. Trust God. Seek the desires of your heart. You won’t be disappointed.
Be Blessed,

I am so blessed by your encouraging words today. I have been struggling with getting comfortable at being retired. It was such a huge part of my heart. With your words today, I know that God will take care of me and I need to trust in that.
Thank you, Vickie. You are a gem, and an inspiration, a guide to my faith.
Have you thought about the ministry?
Oh sweet Jane. I can always count on you to read my blog and give me encouragement. I believe we can all find a way to minister to others. You definitely have a gift with your words of affirmation and I’m so grateful for you. I pray that God leads you to what is next after retirement for you. Love you, sweet friend.
This is so beautiful! Life is scary and taking chances sometimes feels like jumping off a cliff and not knowing if you will land on your feet. I am thrilled to be in the group with you and feel as if we are all going to learn from one another and grow as well.
I know how you feel about finding a church, when we moved here many years ago I searched for a church and went to several and I just did not feel like the church fit, and then one day I walked into a church, sat down and I started to cry. The older lady next to me reached over to hug me and she said, “you are home.” It makes me tear up just thinking about it.
What a beautiful post. Putting yourself out there can be very scary, but I am so happy to meet you and very glad you did!!
Absolutely!! I believe too that God places these desires in our hearts and through our obedience is will can be achieved!! I loved hearing more of your life story!!
Thank you, Sharon. Plus thank you for inviting me to Thistlewood. I’ve already learned so much!
This resonates so much with me, Vickie. Sooo many similarities in my life—the degrees, career in education, switching churches and constant confirmation and tug to begin to blog. New beginnings come with new risks and can cause so much fear. Thank you for your encouragement. I am so excited to be on this blogging journey with you.
I already feel a strong connection to you. I’m so glad we are in this journey together.
Vickie as I prepare to do my “video” I needed to see this post today. Very encouraging – thank you!
Thank you for reading the blog, Regina. I thought it was pretty fitting in how I was feeling about recording the video as well.
I’m amazed how each of us are intertwined in some way. I too didn’t finish college until I was married with a young son. I knew that God was telling me that I needed to have a way to take care of myself and my baby. The path isn’t alway easy but in the long run the journey is quite remarkable.
Amen to that, Lynn! The beauty of reaching middle age is that we have the opportunity to look back over our journey and see the faithfulness of God. It is truly remarkable.
Vickie, I loved reading your story and about how God led you to step out and take chances. sometimes God has remind me how He has fulfilled my dreams and desires and is continuing to do so. Somehow His perspective shows me He has done exactly as I dreamed but never the way I envisioned! Look forward to more wisdon in the stories.
Thank you for your sweet words!