Heart for Decorating, Heart for Jesus

Twinkly Lights vs The Light

I love Christmas lights! I love lights on the house. I love lights on the tree. I love lights intertwined with decor on the bookshelf or on the coffee table. Twinkly Christmas lights just bring me joy!

One of my favorite things to do this time of year is to get up early, make my coffee and then drink it by the lights of the Christmas tree. It is so peaceful to just sit in the dark and think about all the goodness of God. Oh what peace and joy!

The bad thing about lights on the Christmas tree is that sometimes, they go out. The other day, I woke up early, plugged in the Christmas lights and one strand had completely burned out. UGH! What’s a girl to do?! I bundled up, went to our local Wal-mart, bought one strand of lights and came home to add them to the tree. Waalaa….back to being beautiful!

Let me tell you about a light that will never burn out…I’m talking about the Light of Christ!

Can you imagine being a shepherd watching your sheep one night when, all of a sudden, a bright light begins to shine super bright. It was an angel of the Lord who said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.” Luke 2: 10-13

I love the Christmas story, but sometimes, because we have heard it so often, we forget to really stop and think about that night.

The shepherds.



The King himself!

What a glorious night! The Light of the World is brought to us through a baby, born in a manger.

Oh, how I love the story of Christmas. The lights on the Christmas tree are beautiful, but those lights will eventually fade and burn out.

But the light of Jesus is here to stay! The Glorious Light of Jesus!

Merry Christmas, sweet friends, and be blessed!


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